Marmaduke by Brad Anderson for October 15, 2015

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    bendu  over 9 years ago

    That dog is too darn big!

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    miscreant  over 9 years ago

    That’s funny because my parents have a 160lb great Dane and he sleeps between them on the bed too. When either gets up to answer the call of nature at night he will stretch out fully. So when it is time to get back in bed they have to tell him to get up and give them room. He stands up let’s them get in gives a big sigh turns around get comfortable and puts his head back on the pillow next to them and goes back to sleep. He also does this to me when they go out of town and I stay over to take care of him. No one sleeps without him in that house.

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    neverenoughgold  over 9 years ago

    Sometimes there is just too much of a good thing…

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    Joan32  over 9 years ago

    Dad fluffed his pillow yesterday! We had a cute terrier who slept with my kids. They each had a twin bed (the kids) Thepup slept between the wall and one daughter got shoved outof bed!

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    Science144mason  over 9 years ago

    Oh I’ve been there!

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    Number Three  over 9 years ago

    I always need to move my legs about when I’m in bed. It’s been that way since I was a baby.


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    whenlifewassimpler  over 9 years ago

    All of our dogs slept next to us, sometimes the bottom and Mr. Bo under the covers with us!

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