ViewsMidEast by Cartoon Movement-US for June 27, 2010

  1. U19239825
    sidl  about 14 years ago

    From Jordan…what a surprise!

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    zev.farkas  about 14 years ago

    freedom flotilla? the only freedom they were fighting for is the freedom to ship rockets and ammunition into Gaza for use against Israeli civilians.

    even octopi have to protect themselves…

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  3. Pales
    Palestino  about 14 years ago

    Who gave Israel the job of “policeman of the world”?

    and don’t the Palestinian civilians deserve some protection too?

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    zev.farkas  about 14 years ago

    Israel is not playing “policeman of the world” - the US is welcome to keep that job.

    We’re just trying to protect our own turf. Check out the rules of war and you will see that preventing arms from reaching your enemy is an accepted practice.

    Firing homemade rockets at civilians is not. (I must say that I appreciate your training program’s emphasis on dogma rather than stuff like azimuth and elevation… your inability to aim straight saves lives here on a regular basis…)

    Any legitimate aid is welcome to go to Gaza after inspection, which is a lot more generous than any country involved in a war has ever been, AFAIK. We even let them tap into our electric grid.

    The so-called palestinians need protection from their own leaders, who use the fight against Israel as an excuse for keeping them in ignorance and poverty.

    Give back Gilad Shalit, show us that you’re serious about peace on reasonable terms, and together we can make the Middle East an economic power to rival any member of the G8.

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    rekam Premium Member about 14 years ago

    If the Palestinians push the “Israelis into the sea,” then the earth with become fallow there and they’ll have to build their own irrigation as well as anything else. The Israelis shouldn’t leave anything behind that they’ve improved.

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  6. Pales
    Palestino  about 14 years ago

    zev, Israel is walking the same steps that the late regime of South Africa walked..and it you will face the same fate at the end..believe me..

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    disgustedtaxpayer  about 14 years ago

    to Zev….thank you for a comment exhibiting some good sense! (are there no pro-Israel cartoonists?)

    Israel has more than 3000 years of history in that Land that God gave to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and their descendants… an Eternal Covenant.

    “Palestine” was the erronious name given by a “Hate the Jews” Roman ruler.

    The current Arab population were never, ever, native to the Promised Jewish Land. They moved in while the majority of Jews were in worldwide Diaspora. Some Jews remained in the Land after the 70AD Roman destruction of the Temple and city…..until the present time.

    Under Ottoman rule, the Land was neglected and Mark Twain wrote about the “Wasteland”…..

    The Jews have returned and turned the desert into a fertile and blooming Land! God bless the Jews.

    Now the God of Israel has called the Jews HOME….from every nation on earth. God is preparing a restored Nation for Messiah to come and be King of Earth from David’s restored throne in Jerusalem.

    God will keep “the apple of His eye”….Israel….in the Land, and will continue fulfilling Bible prophecies until His plan is completed.

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  8. Pales
    Palestino  about 14 years ago

    The original Hebrews came to our land for a short period as invaders (you can read about their war crimes in the Bible) then they were kicked out 2000 years ago , now , every one who converts judaism is coming here without any invitation..

    The Palestinians were here all the time and you can have a simple proof of that when you see that the names of the cities and the villages in Palestine still hold the ancient Cananite names and they where never changed for thousands of years..

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    disgustedtaxpayer  about 14 years ago

    to Pal…

    1.No government ever existed with the name “Palestine”.

    2.No Arab was ever a Canaanite.

    3.Israel obeyed God’s orders, if you read the scriptures correctly. Just as God in His good time eliminated the idolators in the Flood in Noah’s day, after giving the people hundreds of years to repent and they refused; God had given the idolator Canaanites a very long time to repent and so evicted them in favor of Israel. It was not “war crimes”….

    *Bruce….Iran’s militant clergy would like nothing better than to provoke Israel with its interference of an “escort”….

    None of the 22 Arab League governments have ever cared anything about the 1948 Arab war on Israel’s Arab refugees….what other refugee group in the world has been kept like hostages like those in Israel?

    Iran’s leaders daily threaten to eliminate the Jews in Israel.. The missile buildup by Iran is designed to get long-range rockets and nuclear warheads to destroy Israeli citizens.

    and yes, Ahminajihad speaks for the radicals in Islam, and they seem to really believe they can bring their “messiah” to return by starting and carrying out a new world war, beginning in an attack on Israel, the “little satan” and the USA, “the great satan”….

    But the God of the Bible has other plans….

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  10. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  about 14 years ago

    I guess therefore DT that Abraham had only one son? Hmm that seems a problem.

    Also many folks spoke of another “wasteland”, called the American mid-west- blowing across it on their way to Oregon Territory and California. A LOT of lands failed for dry-land farming, and it wasn’t until the 20th century and irrigation that many lands “bloomed”.

    That business with “chosen” seem a tad interesting also as it applies to one of the world’s smallest minority groups, who have extremely powerful connections, and friends.

    Half the world’s population also doesn’t happen to accept that “Old Testament” mythology. One and a half billion Muslims DO, but tend to read it a tad differently, and in actuality, with greater acceptance of others. That descendants of the authors of several religious books have taken many off-ramps from those religious “freeways” is actually the majority, with only a few “staying the course”.

    The first sign of a fanatic is no sense of humor, and the second is no sense of accurate history.

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    wolfhoundblues1  about 14 years ago

    The palistainians shoul dnot have picked the fight to start with. Reap what youy sow you war mongers.

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    rekam Premium Member about 14 years ago

    How about cleaning up your spelling, wolfhound? Otherwise, you make sense.

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    disgustedtaxpayer  about 14 years ago

    trout….it is dangerous to your eternal existence to reject and disdain God’s revelations to mankind in the Bible.

    Truth is not judged by the number of people who accept it.

    God made a Covenant with Abraham and limited it to the miracle son of age 100 Abraham and age 90 his wife Sarah. It was not God’s will, it was Sarah’s doubts in God’s promise that produced a son Ishmael by the servant woman. God was kind and gave Ishmael a different deal for his posterity….and you can see it in the large number of Arabs and Arab lands on earth today.

    But Zion and Israel, the nation, and the “Chosen People” who are the so-called “Jews” were God’s choice to live under the Mosaic Law, to write the inspired scriptures, to guard and preserve those scriptures, and to be accountable to God when they chose to disobey God.

    But Jerusalem and the land “deed” described by the boundaries from “the river of Egypt” to the north in what is today Lebanon and to the NE to the river Euphrates in what we call Iraq…….that Promised Land was given by God in an unrevokable trust to the Jews through the lineage of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

    The Messiah is the Saviour for Israel and all mankind, through the same lineage but through King David…

    You reject God’s word and that sends you down many paths of misunderstanding and ERROR.

    The New Testament was also written by inspired Jews, and it agrees with and quotes the Old Testament, especially the prophecies….500 of which Jesus the son of Mary and his step-father Joseph (whose birth set the counting of millennia as B.C. ….before Christ)….fulfilled in His first advent on earth.

    When Messiah Jesus returns to Jerusalem…it will not be an Islamic Kingdom….it will be a return to the Old Testament government of Israel….to finish the 1,000 years of Peace and the end of the wars ever-present in the 6,000 years of human government history.

    Faith in God’s Word…the written Bible and the Living Christ…is the only entry into eternal blessings with God. All others choose the sad alternative. Jesus is the only Way, because God said so and God is King of the Universe, Maker and Sustainer of this eternal earth.

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  14. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  about 14 years ago

    DT- perfect example of how Bernie Madoff worked his scam, and WHO he scammed.

    Please re-read the signs of a “fanatic”.

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    dwnoname  about 14 years ago

    ^^Atheism is the vice of a few intelligent people. -Voltaire

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  16. Pales
    Palestino  about 14 years ago


    1)There is now the Palestinian authority on a small part of Palestine..and it’s a government ..Palestine was always there on the map for thousands of years with this name either as a state (with powerful leaders)of the Roman Byzantine empire or ,(Omayyad,abbasi, Fatimi,Mamluki, Otoman- Islamic empires) ,Crossaders and lastly the British empire , check it out in the Historic atlas.. On the other hand the name Israel is the name of a person ( Jacob the prophet}..

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  17. Pales
    Palestino  about 14 years ago

    2)The Canaanites where Arabs because they came originally from the Arabian peninsula ..they spoke an old Arabic (semite)dialect ..

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  18. Pales
    Palestino  about 14 years ago

    3) God punished the jews even on the days of Moses..he gave them several chances ..but at the end he was fed up with their deeds ,especially for what they did to Jesus(and sent a prophet from the other branch of Abraham family - his name was Mohammad pbuh, not only for them but for the entire humanity as a whole)

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  19. Pales
    Palestino  about 14 years ago

    3) b- The jews didn’t evict the Canaanites because they where all over the place -in the area of Palestine -Lebanon-Syria and Jordan entire ocean of Canaanites ..

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