The Dinette Set by Julie Larson for November 08, 2015

  1. Img 4741
    Ninette  over 9 years ago

    Alphabetical order according to height.

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  2. Sunshine   copy
    SusanSunshine Premium Member over 9 years ago

    Didn’t you check for clean handkerchiefs, Burl? And signed permission slips from their mothers or fathers?

    Why don’t you check their homework, too….Those bombs take a while to go off anyway.

    Oh, wait…. forget that last part…It was at Crustwood Heights Middle School. Burl can’t do middle school homework.

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  3. Hobo
    MeGoNow Premium Member over 9 years ago

    Well, Burl doesn’t tell the whole story. Burl was taught that unattended parcels were security risks. So he’s organized some kids into his “Flying Squad.” Those are kids he sends around in a bomb scare to collect all unattended bags and parcels and bring them to him so he can take them outside with them and turn them over to the authorities. The Squad also has an assignment during a fire alarm when they are to run through the school, pulling all the alarm stations, to insure that the C.F.D. will check the whole school and not miss any fire. .Burl was appalled to learn that the schools today were failing to carry out even the most basic nuclear missile drills, so he’s had to do it during his weekly preparedness classes. The response has been pretty good. Twice a year, Burl runs through the halls screaming, “War! War! Take cover!” He’s gratified by the kids’ enthusiasm. They take up the cry, and Burl is proud that they take it so seriously that they continue his cries for hours, and it takes the teachers until the end of the school day to get them out from under their desks. And some of the boys took the door off the girls’ restroom to make a shelter. .But anything can be improved. For instance, during the bomb scare, it took twenty minutes to even begin to get the kids into alphabetical order. And he had to restart roll call four times to settle where in the line kids with hyphenated names should stand. .Obviously, there’s a lot more work to be done. Burl has plans to make the exercise more real by planting his own ticking package. It’ll be a complete surprise, and he hopes to have the media there to see how well it goes..Burl really enjoys his civil defense work. He’s thinking up some more types of drills to run at school, like bird in the auditorium drill, overflowing toilet drill, hockey mask wearing chainsaw guy drill, and wild bear intrusion drill. He’ll recruit Jerry to play the wild bear. “See, kids? If this had been a real emergency, Kevin was too slow, and the “bear” got him. Now, we’re all going to fan out and see if we can find out where the bear took poor Kevin.”

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    yubi  over 9 years ago

    Poor Kevin indeed! lol

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  5. Stressedout
    Erwin Schwartz  over 9 years ago

    Back in the 1950s we had a few bomb scares. Our schools response was not as smart as Burl, at least he had the the kids exit the school after all of his delays. We were sent to the auditorium and stayed there to wait for the all clear. I guess it never occurred to them that the auditorium could be the location of the bomb if there was one.

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    rk911  over 9 years ago

    in a related story….back in 2012 one of the election judges here in our county before opening the polling place at 6am lined up everyone who was waiting to vote in alphabetical order in order to process people faster. it didn’t take long for a supervising judge to put a stop to that. true story.

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    patlaborvi  over 9 years ago

    As I understand it, when there’s a bomb scare at a school the students are supposed to be evacuated to established loactions away from the school (in case there really is a bomb in the school) and then attendance is taken and if anyone is missing it’s reported to the first responders so they can coordinate all the shelter locations (in case someone went to the wrong one) and then search the school for anyone missing.

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    thorshamber  over 9 years ago

    no “find it” again grrrrrrrrrr

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