The Other Coast by Adrian Raeside for October 11, 2015

  1. Retired dude avatar
    Retired Dude  over 9 years ago

    I remember when they said nuclear power would be too cheap to meter.

    And we would all have jet packs.

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  2. Bits2
    Diat60  over 9 years ago

    They also said that computers would herald paperless offices. If only.

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    clayusmcret Premium Member over 9 years ago

    All of this could have been part of the norm. Unfortunately, the industry and industry giants that/who would have made it possible instead became engrossed in creating and updating HALO and several thousand other computer games. If this generation of industry giants had been in charge several centuries ago, we’d be living into the clouds along the eastern shore and no one would have trekked farther inland than a hundred miles.

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  4. Blk cat
    Helen Ferrieux  over 9 years ago

    Did no-one think of inventing dog hair-proof furniture fabric?

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    Saucy1121 Premium Member over 9 years ago

    Considering how bad many people are at driving regular cars, I shudder to think what they’d do with flying ones.

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