Breaking Cat News by Georgia Dunn for October 26, 2015
Puck: And we're back in 3...2...1... Lupin: Welcome back! Let's jump into tonight's news. Lupin: The People are missing! ... Elvis? Elvis: Lupin, the People have been gone for two days. Elvis: I know because I have been keeping track on the couch. Elvis: Two Elvis: Whole Elvis: DAYS Lupin: Elvis, could you back off camera two? I know you're angry, but -- Elvis: I'M NOT ANGRY, I'M JUST DISAPPOINTED. Puck: Lupin, evidence points to the People's likely return. Puck: One: Witnesses have quoted the Man said they'd "be right back." Puck: Two: They left out an unnecessary amount of food and water. Elvis: LUPIN I'M GETTING REPORTS THAT SOMEONE PULLED DOWN ALL THE CURTAINS. Puck: Lupin, sources indicate we have enough food for 6 weeks. Puck: BUT THEN I ATE ALL THE PLANTS Lupin: For cat's sake, will you two cool it? Puck: Can I interest you in a colander full of kibble?
Last Rose Of Summer Premium Member over 9 years ago
They all say it!
Shirley Chapian over 9 years ago
Love you guys!
stlmaddog5 over 9 years ago
My cats would have eaten all that food up the first day. And then complain about starving to death the second day.
Starman1948 over 9 years ago
A pleasant day to all my friends.-—————-That is really CAT-tastrophe.-—————-Be happy and healthy everyone.
rikkiTikki Premium Member over 9 years ago
Who is changing the litter boxes? I’m surprised the would leave them without A pet sitter.
Kathy Freeman over 9 years ago
Cats. ¯\(ツ)/¯
miscreant over 9 years ago
My kitties are about to find out what this is all about. The kitty fountain will cease to function (it has to be filled twice daily). Pettings will not happen all day. I will however have someone come over to scoop the litter boxes and change the water daily fill the food and pass out treats and kitty scratches. I have to leave for 3-4 days and this hasn’t happened in 4 years for 1 of my cats and never for 2 of them the other 2 are used to my intermittent presence in their lives but not since I’ve had them permanently. Hope no one leaves me a present in my shoes.
I AM CARTOON LADY! over 9 years ago
Ha ha! I bet Elvis does a special investigative report, to find out who pulled down those shower curtains!
dogday Premium Member over 9 years ago
You guys are SSSOOOO cute! And the man shouldn’t have said “right back”. In cat terms, that means you go out the door, turn around and come back in. Any longer and it’s FOREVER!!!!!!
NWdryad over 9 years ago
She Mc over 9 years ago
There are not many cats in this world that are better taken care of than Georgia’s so, I am sure everyone is fine & we are looking forward to the next post XXX
Corey Cohen over 9 years ago
Oh, for cat’s sake!
-itz_cuki- over 3 years ago
Is she getting pregnant again!?