Sarah's Scribbles by Sarah Andersen for October 17, 2015
Why Female Friendships Are Important I feel ugly today. What. Listen. You are a goddess. You are beautiful and wise and funny and cool. Yes. A goddess. You smell like flowers! You are so pretty I could die! Yes! I love your face. Never doubt yourself! Never! We love you! I am a goddess.
katina.cooper over 9 years ago
That’s what is nice about having good friends.
fuzzybritches over 9 years ago
One friend of mine, when I’m waffling on a serious decision, can cheer me on for either side that I’m waffling on at the moment. Now, that’s friendship.
TZO2K15? over 7 years ago
This is reason number 239.74 why we love women…
pumaman about 7 years ago
You ARE the banana king!
scrimblo over 5 years ago
We all have that one friend who makes it their mission to make us happy and confident. And if you don’t, just get a guinea pig.
boy I love cats over 4 years ago
whenever I say to MY friends that I feel ugly, she says that that sucks and stares at me for a bit. And I’m thinking," is that all?!"