Such is life for someone who wants power!
Perhaps she should let Bill do it. After all he has the experience with “pressing the flesh”; even if the word “no” was involved…
Meeting the hoi polloi? It’s much easier just to have private meetings with fund raisers. They count so much more than common voters .
Scott Stantis
March 20, 2014
September 30, 2017
Thomas & Tifffany Connolly over 9 years ago
Such is life for someone who wants power!
echoraven over 9 years ago
Perhaps she should let Bill do it. After all he has the experience with “pressing the flesh”; even if the word “no” was involved…
kaffekup over 9 years ago
Meeting the hoi polloi? It’s much easier just to have private meetings with fund raisers. They count so much more than common voters .