La Cucaracha by Lalo Alcaraz for November 03, 2015

  1. Image gl2xu6o8 1679017467894 raw
    Space_cat  over 9 years ago

    The difference between actual socialists and Nazis..Socialist’s want things to be fair for EVERYONE!Nazis only want things to be fair for themselves and their rich supporters!

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  2. Mr haney
    NeedaChuckle Premium Member over 9 years ago

    Hitler imprisoned or executed all the true progressive and just kept the label.

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  3. Troll
    Fibbermcgee Premium Member over 9 years ago

    Did you actually listen to this, that is not what he says at all. By the way he was 14 years old. In charge of confiscating property, yeah sure. He was talking about the "best of times, the worst of times. Sort of like Vietnam. Dangerous but never forgotten.

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  4. Qc1
    agrestic  over 9 years ago

    Fair is a flat tax

    Let’s say there’s a 10% flat tax. One person earns $15,000 a year (a lot do in this country). That person is left with $13,500 to try to survive on. Another earns $1 billion and is left with a mere $900 million to survive on. Sounds fair to me! Particularly since that billionaire has benefitted much more from government expenditures on roads, courts, etc., etc., etc. that have allowed him or her to gather up all that money.

    Fair is to rise and fall by your own merits

    Sounds great, until you start considering all those trust fund babies. And the racism and sexism that holds people back. And the fact that in this supposedly “freedom of opportunity” country people are much less likely to be able to move up in class position than in just about any other wealthy nation.

    American socialists wants some people to reap the benefits of others labors

    Capitalists already do this all the time. Where do you think that billionaire got all that money? Oh, right, as profit from all those workers putting in long hours making widgets. Even as our workers have become more productive, their real wages have stagnated while rich folks have seen their own income expand. What’s happening is that rich folks are reaping more and more of others’ labor. What socialists want is to balance the scales so that workers actually take home more of the fruits of their own labor. That would be fair.

    Spurious link to Nazis

    Anyone who has to resort to linking the pro-capitalist Nazi regime to actual socialism has already lost the argument.

    smeary word-twisting about what Soros said

    You have destroyed any thin piece of credibility you may have had. For one, Soros was 14 at the time. For another, he never said anything about helping to confiscate property—he was a bystander. And, let’s see, if he’d tried to stop it, there’s all likelihood he and the people sheltering him would have been killed. Or maybe you, like Ben Carson, think he could have just picked up a gun and taken on the Nazi regime? Pretty much everything you’ve written in this post is what lies are made of.

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  5. 20230819 224835 blog mit cowboyhut
    StellaMaris  over 9 years ago

    The expression Nazi comes from the German Nationalsozialismus (national socialism), which should say it all, socialism for the nation only.

    In Europe, social is not the same as socialistic. Social democrats in Europe are no socialists.

    There seems to be a different understanding of the expressions in the USA. Any comparison to Hitlers Nazi Germany must fail.

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  6. 20230819 224835 blog mit cowboyhut
    StellaMaris  over 9 years ago

    If just people would say “fascist” instead of Nazi, they would be right. That expression can be used for all nationalities. They are everywhere.

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