One thing you're not good at is hiding.
Mocha’s theory is – if I don’t move, you don’t see me.
In trouble again, Marm? What did you do this time?
It is either trouble or time for a bath.
His tail is wagging, so likely his tummy is full!
Oh oh… maybe he got into the Winslow’s dinner?
I agree, Dottie!
September 08, 2015
June 27, 2017
stairsteppublishing over 9 years ago
Mocha’s theory is – if I don’t move, you don’t see me.
legaleagle48 over 9 years ago
In trouble again, Marm? What did you do this time?
cubswin2016 over 9 years ago
It is either trouble or time for a bath.
neverenoughgold over 9 years ago
His tail is wagging, so likely his tummy is full!
Oh oh… maybe he got into the Winslow’s dinner?
Number Three over 9 years ago
I agree, Dottie!