“Having a wonderful Fall, hope you had a great trip!”Wait, is that right?
From the looks of things, you spent a week on the beach in one day.
Deserts are beautifully barren, but supply oases of infinite subjects for illustrators, writers, painters, sculptors, etc.
What a way to start an adventure.
May your life together be as beautiful and adventuresome as your honeymoon trip.
July 19, 2014
Ida No over 9 years ago
“Having a wonderful Fall, hope you had a great trip!”Wait, is that right?
katina.cooper over 9 years ago
From the looks of things, you spent a week on the beach in one day.
SHAKENDOWN over 9 years ago
Deserts are beautifully barren, but supply oases of infinite subjects for illustrators, writers, painters, sculptors, etc.
Neo Stryder over 9 years ago
What a way to start an adventure.
Plods with ...™ over 9 years ago
May your life together be as beautiful and adventuresome as your honeymoon trip.