Drabble by Kevin Fagan for November 09, 2015
June: Ralph, Halloween was over a week ago! Isn't it time to throw away the jack-o-lantern? Ralph: That's the abominable pumpkinman! According to legend, you must never throw him away! If you do, he'll climb out of the trash can and return to haunt us! Patrick: It's true, mom. Dad's not crazy! Well...
Ubintold about 9 years ago
Just don’t tell Linus (of the Peanuts strip).
tom about 9 years ago
How did he escape the pumpkin smashers? Ours were always splattered all over the road November 1.
comicadam about 9 years ago
Throw that thing away NOW!If cats or dogs eat a leftover jack-o-lantern, rotted, moldy pumpkin will make them seriously ill.
Better then archistoteles AKA max.chesnut.anne 9 months ago
11/24-28/2014 Abominable pumpkinman