Gary: “And the unicorn’s name is Mr. Softee. Thus proving the entire claim a lie!”
Today’s alt text: “when in doubt, ask gary”
The one with the burden of proof isn’t to be confused with the one with the fedora and bullwhip, though. That’s Indiana Gary.
Wasn’t that a Rolling Stones song? “Beast of Burden of Proof”?
June 13, 2017
Ida No over 9 years ago
Gary: “And the unicorn’s name is Mr. Softee. Thus proving the entire claim a lie!”
jon creator over 9 years ago
Today’s alt text: “when in doubt, ask gary”
RobNoxious over 9 years ago
prrdh over 9 years ago
The one with the burden of proof isn’t to be confused with the one with the fedora and bullwhip, though. That’s Indiana Gary.
Ida No over 9 years ago
Wasn’t that a Rolling Stones song? “Beast of Burden of Proof”?