Gil Thorp by Henry Barajas and Rachel Merrill for July 19, 2010

  1. Slasher
    razorback2824  over 14 years ago

    This girl keeps reminding me of Mimi for some reason. It’s almost as if Mimi dyed her hair black just to have some public role-playing session with Gil.

    Nah, she’s just another troubled high-school girl (and potential recruit for Mimi’s teams) whose dad doesn’t show up to her events. Or is that a red herring and her mom is the rowdy one?

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    LngJhnAg  over 14 years ago

    From Saturday - Torrey Peake - this is beginning to sound like a James Bond movie - a tor, for you non-Brits out there, is a rocky crag. A peak, well, is the top of the rocky crag. Note to writers, you’re running out of names I see.

    P2 - Torrey - “Okay! Your’re good! P3 - Gil - “I’m good?” Wrong answer, Gil. Revised Gil - “Good? Sweet thing, I’m great!” P4 - Clubhouse - “Paging Mr. Thorp. Mimi says Marty Moon is better.”

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    Observe69  over 14 years ago

    Sorry for the lateness of this observation, but “Torrey Peake” is a great porn star name.

    P4: “Girl, you have no idea how good I am, but you’ll find out soon. The Gilfather likes ‘em young.”

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  4. Luhm 2 27 10
    Mopman  over 14 years ago

    This is dumb. Normally would the golf coach cower in fear when a teenager “pushes” them? And how did she push him, by hitting a driver right off the bat? Wow, what a rebel!

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  5. Judge
    thejudge  over 14 years ago

    Gil is so vain a compliment from a 13 year old golfer turns his head!

    God, Gil - you are soooooooooo full of yourself. What’s next? “I’ve decided to take my talents to Valley Tech”?

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    ohiobobcat  over 14 years ago

    Skanky Catholic school girls
a recurring theme in the land of Throupdom.

    I’m surprised Milf hasn’t scheduled this school in order to pick up a coupla easy wins per season. Probably small enrollment.

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    kdizzle  over 14 years ago

    This would be good if her father was Marty Moon.

    Gil may refer blonds but I always fall for the black hair, white eye look.

    P3 that kid is about to jam a club into the top of the girl’s head

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  8. David
    davidblack  over 14 years ago

    This comic realy excels in unpleasant young people - Duncan Dailey, The Ghost and now Torrey. I even hate her name. Can’t wait to met her father.

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