(From Saturday): “Memorobilia is a fancy name for junk you can’t throw away”. Well now, THAT’S debatable, isn’t it? I do have memorobilia (though, I’m in no way, a hoarder). And while I’ve never “scrapbooked”, I do have a lot of photo albums. I am from a family that always took pictures (I know what my great-great grandparents looked like in the 1880s). That even includes “ttin types”! And Gweedo, thanks for asking my opinion on Saturday!
Photographs were so expensive back in the 1800’s that many people never got one taken – while they were alive. Many “portraits” are actually of the deceased propped up in a chair to look “lifelike” taken just before burial often with family members in the shot. .
cpalmeresq about 9 years ago
(From Saturday): “Memorobilia is a fancy name for junk you can’t throw away”. Well now, THAT’S debatable, isn’t it? I do have memorobilia (though, I’m in no way, a hoarder). And while I’ve never “scrapbooked”, I do have a lot of photo albums. I am from a family that always took pictures (I know what my great-great grandparents looked like in the 1880s). That even includes “ttin types”! And Gweedo, thanks for asking my opinion on Saturday!
kab2rb about 9 years ago
I am unsure of pictures of either side of my parents family as none did not like pictures taken of themselves.
ron about 9 years ago
Photographs were so expensive back in the 1800’s that many people never got one taken – while they were alive. Many “portraits” are actually of the deceased propped up in a chair to look “lifelike” taken just before burial often with family members in the shot. .