Maria's Day by John Zakour and Scott Roberts for November 22, 2015

  1. Noh8 tw
    socalvillaguy Premium Member over 9 years ago


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    noreenklose  over 9 years ago

    I don’t care about immigration. But why should we let the jihadist Muslims in ? I have a lock on my front door to keep strangers (or dangerous) people out. If I don’t have to let bad people in my house…why do I have to let them in my country to kill me? I don’t believe our govt can tell the jihadist Muslims from the regular decent Muslims.If we let them (all) in, we will end up in the same position as Europe is in…with Muslim enclaves throughout the country.

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    Tue Elung-Jensen  over 9 years ago

    I hope not … The pilgrims werent running from religious persecution, but because they couldnt persucute others aka have their cake and eat it too. But in a sense it is true though when you look at the morons trying to impose religious rule, or think their religion is above the countries law – ruining it for the moderates who just want a life in peace.

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    elysummers  over 9 years ago

    I wish the native americans had banded together and done just that. It wouldn’t have [prevented from people coming but it would surely be a different place.

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    Kathleen Evers  over 9 years ago

    Yeah, and that worked out so well for the Native Americans didn’t it?

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    Steveh16  over 9 years ago

    In fact many of the Native Peoples used alliances with European Settlers in wars against other Native Peoples. History is just as complex as people are and unfortunately not given enough time in school.

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    Purple-Stater Premium Member over 9 years ago

    @Mr.Sherman The Netherlands had a “much more tolerant atmosphere to variations of protestantism”??? Where are you learning your history? Who, in England, was intolerant towards protestantism? At the time that the Pilgrims & Puritans left England, Catholic worship was illegal!

    The Puritans and Pilgrims (themselves only an offshoot of the Puritans) came to America because they wanted to live a much more religiously strict life than they could force upon others in England. They were the religious extremists of their time.

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    Kirk Barnes Premium Member over 9 years ago

    And the Natives are STILL regretting the choice to let them live! Their only recourse was to kill the intruders.

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