La Cucaracha by Lalo Alcaraz for November 30, 2015

  1. B986e866 14d0 4607 bdb4 5d76d7b56ddb
    Templo S.U.D.  over 9 years ago

    ¿Quién? Who? My iMac had been down for a week and it’s finally operational again.

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    carl_e_curtis  over 9 years ago

    @ TEMPLO S.U.D. Nohemi was a student from California State University Long Beach who was studying for a semester in Paris. She was killed in the terrorist attacks on November 13. She was considered to be a “bright light” in the field of Design and was greatly mourned by the University and the city in which it is located. This link to the Long Beach Press Telegram should help you understand:

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  3. Tarot
    Nighthawks Premium Member over 9 years ago

    how about if we just took proper care of the wounded soldiers when they return and notelect Congressional Representatives that defund that care?

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    cepa  over 9 years ago

    This is not a political statement or justification position.

    Over 99% of Muslim killed in resent years has been by Muslim. In the Iraq/Iran there were over 750,000 Muslims killed by Muslims. Right now the largest number of Muslims being killed by non-Muslims are being killed by the Russians then by the French in their air raids.

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  5. Catinma
    BeniHanna6 Premium Member over 9 years ago

    Anne & Pierre-Yves Guyomard, Anne-Laure Arruebo, Armelle Pumir Anticevic, Asta Daikite, Bertrand Navarret, Cecile Coudon Peccadeau de L’Isle, Cecile Martin, Cedric Ginestou, Charlotte & Emilie Meaud, Chloe Boissinot, Christophe Mutez, Christophe Lellouche, Christopher Neuet-Shalter, Ciprian Calciu 32, & Lacramioara Pop, Claire Maitrot-Tapprest, David Perchirin, Elif Dogan, Emmanuel Bonnet, Estelle Rouat, Fanny Minot, Franck Pitiot, Frederic Henninot, Germain Ferey, Gilles Leclerc, Gregory Fosse, Guillaume Le Dramp, Halima & Hodda Saadi, Helene Muyal, Hugo Sarrade, Hyacinthe Koma, Isabelle Merlin, Jean-Jacques Amiot, Jean-Jacques Kirchheim, Julien Galisson, Justine Dupont, Justine Moulin, Kheireddine Sahbi, Lamia Mondeguer, Lola Ouzounian, Lola Salines, Lucie Dietrich, Madeleine Sadin, Manu Perez, Marie-Aimee Dalloz, Mathias Dymarski, Matthieu de Rorthais, Maud Serrault, Maxime Bouffard, Mayeul Gaubert, Milko Jozic, Mohamed Amine Ibnolmobarak, Nathalie Jardin, Nathalie Lauraine, Nicolas Degenhardt, Olivier Vernadal, Patricia San Martin, Pierre Innocenti, Pierre-Antoine Henry, Precilia Correia, Quentin Boulenger, Quentin Mourier, Raphael Hilz, Richard Rammant, Romain Dunet, Romain Didier, Romain Naufle, Romain Feuillade, Salah Emad El-Gebaly, Sebastien Proisy, Stella Verry, Stephane Albertini, Stephane Hache, Suzon Garrigues, Sven Alejandro Silva Perugini, Thibault Rousse Lacordaire, Thierry Hardouin, Thomas Ayad, Thomas Duperron, Victor Munoz, and Vincent Detoc. Let us not be exclusive, but rather be inclusive and honor all the dead.

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  6. Rhadamanthus
    craigwestlake  over 9 years ago

    The irony here is that the haters have the same blood in their veins.

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