G’day to JFri, Jason, Otra, usfellers, ottod, runar, and all Meggsie fans far and wide!
I see another number ottod! I guess we both fell asleep at the wheel, or else Jason is playing mind games with us oldsters who wear bifocles! :-)
(At least I wear them!)
COWBOY7 over 14 years ago
Good question! LOL
Good Morning and G’Day to ALL the Meggsie fans!
The Duke 1 over 14 years ago
*GM, GM fans! *
COWBOY7 over 14 years ago
The opposite of the speed of light?
ladywolf17 over 14 years ago
Ginger that is a long way.
runar over 14 years ago
Most places on earth, if you dig straight through, you come up underwater. He’ll come up somewhere under the North Atlantic.
Dry and Dusty Premium Member over 14 years ago
G’day to JFri, Jason, Otra, usfellers, ottod, runar, and all Meggsie fans far and wide!
I see another number ottod! I guess we both fell asleep at the wheel, or else Jason is playing mind games with us oldsters who wear bifocles! :-) (At least I wear them!)
ottod Premium Member over 14 years ago
The numbers are easy once you notice them. It’s the graffiti that sometimes makes you turn your slacofib upside down.
Plods with ...™ over 14 years ago
I have a monitor that turns 180 degrees in either direction. Much easier than turning the bifocals.
usfellers over 14 years ago
@ Chikuku:
The darkness of the fleeing night, Moves with haste, as if in fright, Of dawn revealing deeds untold, Of cowardice, not of bold.
noreenklose over 14 years ago
Where is OtraVez/Joe???? He was only back a few days. Did the person who flagged him do it again? Or, is he just ill? I hope he is OK.