Eek! by Scott Nickel for December 01, 2008

  1. Alife
    alife  over 16 years ago

    Too bad Schwarzenegger body, IS NOT like his brain

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  2. Missing large
    PurpleVegan  over 16 years ago

    If Arnie had a big brain, he wouldn’t have needed to build those huge muscles. I don’t really get that it’s too bad he doesn’t have a small body to match his brain. I guess you can tell I don’t like the man.

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  3. Alife
    alife  over 16 years ago

    PV at least he smiles, he does know stuff. Guess I’m jealous of the exterior in some ways :}

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  4. Lady with a bow
    ejcapulet  over 16 years ago

    Well, I have heard that Einstein’s brain was smaller than normal. Of course, in his case, it was a few other little flaws that mattered, not the size.

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