Eek! by Scott Nickel for February 10, 2009

  1. Emerald
    margueritem  about 16 years ago

    doctortoon says:

    When I had outdoor cats I tried to teach them catch and release. Not a concept they understand. Now I just keep them inside. The two I have now just watch out the window and ‘talk’ to the birds and squirrels.

    ~Do they make that chattery sound that’s a bit like a geiger counter? Our Siamsese did that.

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    Radelape  about 16 years ago

    Good night John Boy!

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    PurpleVegan  about 16 years ago

    What sound would you make if you saw a flying pizza? That’s what a bird is to a cat!

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    lisa4romMpls  about 16 years ago

    Cats are evil!! Although, can’t the birds just fly away?

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    frogga715  about 16 years ago

    They call the guy “The Walton”?

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    greeneyedtxn  about 16 years ago

    A smart and quick cat can control all sorts of rodents and bird population in your area. Unfortunately they can also catch diseases from it.

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