The Dinette Set by Julie Larson for November 29, 2017

  1. Missing large
    ajhunter005  over 7 years ago

    As long as the Pennys are there , no one will come to help the poor new person. Yup they sure are training him right. Next time he’ll run the other way when they come in the door.

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  2. Capture  2017 12 17 08 45 35 2
    Nyckname  over 7 years ago

    He isn’t complaint compliant.

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  3. Img 20181009 125216
    patlaborvi  over 7 years ago

    Their high number (43) compared to the number showing on the next # (3) makes me think that they held on to their number from a different day and brought it back. They can always say that they’ve been waiting to make a complaint since the day they took the # so no one else has been waiting as long as they have to make a complaint.

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