Years back I had a Manager who said that His philosophy was: “I was looking for a Job when I found This One.”.He was told one day that he could go ahead and fill a particular job in our department that had been vacant for a while.While preparing to place notices with various Headhunters for the opening, he looked over the requirements and realized that, not only was He Qualified to perform the job, but that he’d Rather have That Job than be a Manager any longer.So, he hired Himself to fill the opening and wrote up a set of requirements for someone to replace Himself instead. .
SusanSunshine Premium Member about 9 years ago
Yeah, nice way to sneak in a cheat sheet, JWF…LOL
tototu about 9 years ago
gee… a rerun of a rerun
Tarredandfeathered about 9 years ago
Years back I had a Manager who said that His philosophy was: “I was looking for a Job when I found This One.”.He was told one day that he could go ahead and fill a particular job in our department that had been vacant for a while.While preparing to place notices with various Headhunters for the opening, he looked over the requirements and realized that, not only was He Qualified to perform the job, but that he’d Rather have That Job than be a Manager any longer.So, he hired Himself to fill the opening and wrote up a set of requirements for someone to replace Himself instead. .