Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal by Zach Weinersmith for December 31, 2015

  1. Idano
    Ida No  about 9 years ago

    Mom: “And don’t even ask him why we got married, because I don’t want to know!”

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  2. Formal cat
    JusSayin  about 9 years ago

    Because it’s hard for artists to draw hands? When I destroyed my rotator cuff, broke my clavicle in a few places, broke several ribs in both front and back, and somehow broke my scapula with a perfectly round hole about .38 inches in diameter, I had to carry my arm with my thumb looped over a shirt button for a few years. Some of my orthopedists thought Napoleon had also broken a rotator cuff. Others thought he kept a flask in his jacket.

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  3. Missing large
    Stephen Gilberg  about 9 years ago

    When he said they were expensive, I thought he was going to explain that people had one hand on their wallets.

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