Yes, and you two switch clothing while you’re at it.Speaking of which, notice the little detail on the old woman’slegs of partly rolled up nylons. I’ve seen that before in real lifeand I thought that was icky too.
I would like to see Jane recruit and teach starfighters, but I know that won’t happen. She has other things to do.Do hope to see Beta again in the future.
wesbucey about 9 years ago
Everyone – cheer for Beta! Say, "I believe! It worked for Tinkerbell.
Flash Gordon about 9 years ago
Yes, and you two switch clothing while you’re at it.Speaking of which, notice the little detail on the old woman’slegs of partly rolled up nylons. I’ve seen that before in real lifeand I thought that was icky too.
marcos3155 about 9 years ago
I would like to see Jane recruit and teach starfighters, but I know that won’t happen. She has other things to do.Do hope to see Beta again in the future.
Bucinka about 9 years ago
An alien that knows Robert Frost. Nice.
Srover about 9 years ago
Now that this story is ending, will there be new comics?
wesbucey about 9 years ago
Notice how the universal translator works so everyone understands Grig?
abbybookcase about 9 years ago
but beta will be lonely in space with no girls to kiss. can’t somebody go with her? fight beside her and make out at break time?