Family Tree by Signe Wilkinson for December 31, 2016

  1. Missing large
    stairsteppublishing  about 8 years ago

    Even the cut trees are kept inside too long and temp too high. Always had a live tree to plant afterwards either at home or given to the city to plant in one of the parks.

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  2. Smiley tongue
    Smiley Rmom  about 8 years ago

    We quit having a Christmas tree years ago. I never liked the fake one my husband insisted we buy and it got to be too much of a hassle to find a spot to put it up. Guess we’re really environmentally friendly without trying. Best Christmas tree is the one I bought back in my 20’s. Knew I’d be going to my parents’ for Christmas, but wanted something for my apartment. Bought an itty bitty seedling (maybe a foot tall) already decorated with small ornaments. My dad planted it on their farm, with other evergreens. He would cut the top off of one of the trees, to bring indoors each year, but not so much that the rest of the tree would die. Obviously, he rotated which tree he topped off, but we always had a fresh tree, without spending any additional money. (Dad was a very frugal person!)

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