Family Tree by Signe Wilkinson for April 21, 2017
Twig says, "Mom! Nana gave me a great idea for how we can save energy!" Maggie says, "What is it, Twig?" Twig says, "You can dry our clothes on a clothesline!" Maggie says, "That is a great idea!" Twig says, "Ummm?" Maggie says, "You can dry the clothes on the clothesline." Twig says, "Wait! I was the idea person!"
starcandles Premium Member over 7 years ago
Nothing beats the crisp scent of line-dried clothes for those of us old enough to remember! But, then there is ironing involved. Not to mention hanging the clothes & taking them down again! I appreciate dryers tremendously! They do not call them labor saving devices for nothing! I grew up with a washer with a ringer on it. Do not miss those days.
sufamelico over 7 years ago
That is one way to use “Solar energy” never runs out!