The Comic Strip That Has A Finale Every Day by John "Scully" Scully for January 14, 2016

  1.  t2ec16fhjgoffvuz mffbsornhnjtg  60 7
    Futabakun Premium Member about 9 years ago

    As promised, this is Bookworm’s edition of the week’s fill-in strip. I won’t be the one to praise or pan it, because I’m just too close to the series to be objective about it. But I’m hoping that this weekend’s big conclusion is drawn by the creator(s) of Super-Fun-Pak Comix. I’m really loving that series, and since TCSTHAFED got its start there, it would be a great pay-off for the week.

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  2. Screen shot 2017 01 17 at 10.00.43 am
    stev0  about 9 years ago

    The guy who does Super Fun-Pak Comix is good, but I hope it’s the guy who does “Tom the Dancing Bug.” I think his name is Tom Tomorrow. I doubt that will happen, though, because TtDB is mostly political and topical, and Scully rarely does topical humor and almost never does political humor.

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