The Comic Strip That Has A Finale Every Day by John "Scully" Scully for December 22, 2016

  1.  t2ec16fhjgoffvuz mffbsornhnjtg  60 7
    Futabakun Premium Member about 8 years ago

    Last call, folks. We still have a spot or two open for the Secret Santas for the cast of TCSTHAFED. One more means all the cast will be covered, but if two more sign up, well, there are always options available. 24 hours from the time of this posting, I’ll give out the names of who-gifts-who. The only rule about the gifts is this: Keep them grounded. No buying the Moon and handing it away. Get something believably affordable, and make sure it’s kind and/or funny, preferably both. Thanks in advance. I’m not sure why this matters to me, but then, why the heck not!

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  2. Screen shot 2017 01 17 at 10.00.43 am
    stev0  about 8 years ago

    What do you mean no buying the Moon? I ordered it through Amazon Prime and it’s supposed to get here tomorrow!

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