Thanks to the Readers of "The Comic Strip that has a Finale Every Day!" This is the last strip! It's been a great run! Tomorrow: Goodbye again!
a poem by the boy:
Osgood O. Oswald?
No, he has not been mauled
By any these animals seen:
Not orangey cat, not smiley dog,
Neither alien bug nor majestic frog
Nor snake! It was just Ernestine.
I think the kid is old enough to be told, Osgood and Ernestine weren’t mauling each other.
Off for an Turkey-day inflatable for the yard..
Futabakun Premium Member over 7 years ago
a poem by the boy:
Osgood O. Oswald?
No, he has not been mauled
By any these animals seen:
Not orangey cat, not smiley dog,
Neither alien bug nor majestic frog
Nor snake! It was just Ernestine.
Tyler Mitchell over 7 years ago
I think the kid is old enough to be told, Osgood and Ernestine weren’t mauling each other.
Newzy Premium Member over 7 years ago
Off for an Turkey-day inflatable for the yard..