doctor appleby, we've been listening to your podcast...
"ask Doctor Apply" uyou like it?
It makes us wonder...
Just because your first name happened to be "doctor"....
are you a real doctor?
Of course Im real, I have a podcast!
nosirromYep. Except errors are much more serious, brain and/or heart surgery is not that much different from watch repair or museum model building, neither of which require a doctorate, much less the post doctoral training. Anyone can be a psychologist, it doesn’t take a degree (although a psychiatrist has advanced MD training). And none of them confer any authority outside that narrow field.
Squizzums about 9 years ago
Dr. Duck. A real quack.
Schrodinger's Dog about 9 years ago
if it’s on the internet, it must be true!
Dr_Fogg about 9 years ago
Yep Abe Lincoln said so.
nosirrom about 9 years ago
Is the same thing true for Dr. Oz and Dr. Phil???
hippogriff about 9 years ago
nosirromYep. Except errors are much more serious, brain and/or heart surgery is not that much different from watch repair or museum model building, neither of which require a doctorate, much less the post doctoral training. Anyone can be a psychologist, it doesn’t take a degree (although a psychiatrist has advanced MD training). And none of them confer any authority outside that narrow field.