Heaven forfend Ben ever acquires a smartphone with a bubble wrap app
Send him to Lowes or Home Depot. You can buy big rolls of the stuff, both large bubbles and small.
“We are the Bubble-Wrap, lower your intelligence and surrender your willpower, we will add your dignity and psychological distinctiveness to our own. Your fingers will adapt to pop us. Resistance is futile.”
And besides….bubble wrap is cheaper than therapy…. :)
KEA about 9 years ago
Heaven forfend Ben ever acquires a smartphone with a bubble wrap app
JanLC about 9 years ago
Send him to Lowes or Home Depot. You can buy big rolls of the stuff, both large bubbles and small.
ChessPirate about 9 years ago
“We are the Bubble-Wrap, lower your intelligence and surrender your willpower, we will add your dignity and psychological distinctiveness to our own. Your fingers will adapt to pop us. Resistance is futile.”
vjwhet about 9 years ago
And besides….bubble wrap is cheaper than therapy…. :)