If Tarzan is staying at D’Arnot’s house, then his fiance sent them to rob her own future house? Doesn’t make sense. It would have all been hers soon anyway.
Holy naked ‘toon! This could become amusing if Tarzan does not win his re-match and Les Flics come around asking pointed questions. Why didn’t Jane wake up? That might have been interesting….
Polsixe almost 9 years ago
Chimpy wants a threesome? Tarzan is dressed for it.
Old Comic Strip Lover almost 9 years ago
If Tarzan is staying at D’Arnot’s house, then his fiance sent them to rob her own future house? Doesn’t make sense. It would have all been hers soon anyway.
J Short almost 9 years ago
That scent, Ode de Primate.
hablano almost 9 years ago
Paris does things to strange people.
profkatz almost 9 years ago
Someone must have taken a huge dump in the middle of the night and not flushed! ;)> DoesTarzanSleepNakedAGowa!!
Sisyphos almost 9 years ago
Holy naked ‘toon! This could become amusing if Tarzan does not win his re-match and Les Flics come around asking pointed questions. Why didn’t Jane wake up? That might have been interesting….
Eugeno almost 9 years ago
Hm … they’re in Paris, an ape is a ‘second-story man’ … wonder if Mr. Poe is watching with interest … ?