Frazz by Jef Mallett for February 11, 2016
Boy: Ha! I believe Mr. Burke made a math error grading my math quiz! I believe that means I get an automatic A! Frazz: Nope. 12 right out of 20 is 60%. Boy: But we're in an era when belief beats all. Frazz: You're going to have to believe harder. This is a spelling test.
Squizzums almost 9 years ago
Kid’s trying his hardest to be left behind.
Bilan almost 9 years ago
Kid’s trying his hardest to be an economist.
Varnes almost 9 years ago
Dear Al Gebra, We don’t even know your x….He’s gone, and we don’t know y….
whiteheron almost 9 years ago
I try something similar at the checkout in stores. If the scanner doesn’t register after 2 tries it is free.They don’t believe as I do though.
mac04416 almost 9 years ago
Guess who grows up and gets a government job………
whiteheron almost 9 years ago
Caldonia almost 9 years ago
Vague. I give it a C minus.
starclaw about 7 years ago
Could be a future politician