La Cucaracha by Lalo Alcaraz for February 08, 2016

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    1941gko  about 9 years ago

    It’s an old European tradition, Hitler just applied Capitalist Efficiency to the process!

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    kaffekup   about 9 years ago

    That’s a shame; Denmark acquitted themselves honorably when the Nazis invaded.

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    BeniHanna6 Premium Member about 9 years ago

    All the gnashing and wailing about the Syrian refugees would have fallen on more sympathetic ears a few years ago, but with the actions of a few bad Syrians and other fanatical Muslim immigrates that has all but disappeared. The biggest problem is the middle easterners refusal to assimilate into the host country’s society. The one exception being Iranians, we have a great Iranian community in Dearborn MI that fits well into Michigan society. The difference being their faith which is Shiite not Sunni. Even the Greeks who wept openly over children drowning are so jaded they now basically say ‘oh well’. Europe has to realize it cannot be the welcoming arms for Middle Easterners unless they wish the European way of life to disappear.

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    nailer Premium Member about 9 years ago

    Maybe this refugee wave would not happened if the western nations had not fueled the war in Syria sending weapons to the rebel groups trying to depose Assad, weapons that now are in the hands of ISIS.Yeah, let them resove their problems there, i.e. keep your hands out.

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    cepa  about 9 years ago

    Sorry to dissolution you about Denmark being the ideal place. My Danish grandson is a policeman in Denmark. The stories he tells me are inconsistent with your image.

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    water_moon  about 9 years ago

    1st off, they’re only taking the expensive stuff (worth more than 1000 Euros) and you can keep wedding rings and family heirlooms, I’d point out that’s just like bankrupcy laws in the US but those are harsher…. .2nd off, that’s only refugeese getting state aid, you pay your own way over and you keep everything. YOU try to go on welfare in the US with over 50K in assets and we’ll see how well that goes.

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