La Cucaracha by Lalo Alcaraz for February 09, 2016

  1. Qc1
    agrestic  about 9 years ago

    Oh, America’s Worst Sheriff Joe, here’s hoping you get tossed in the clinker for all the laws you done flouted. And it’d be great if you took Sarah and Donny along with ya.

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  2. Mr haney
    NeedaChuckle Premium Member about 9 years ago

    I hear the KKK is endorsing him also.

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    1941gko  about 9 years ago

    I understand Hitler’s suing Trump for Copyright Infringement!

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    kaffekup   about 9 years ago

    Don’t count on Arpaio ever doing jail time; he’s like trump. He could shoot someone and get away with it. Remember what George Zimmerman said about certain people “getting away with everything”.

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    mdcscribe  about 9 years ago

    I seldom get political, but Joe Arpaio is the poorest excuse for a human being I have ever encountered. A natural T-rump supporter…

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    kaffekup   about 9 years ago

    He probably seeks it out now when he thinks he’s been forgotten. Knowing he’ll get away with it.

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