Ziggy by Tom Wilson & Tom II for February 08, 2016

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    *Space Madness at The Station*  about 9 years ago

    Like how to overtake a criminal.

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    Flash Gordon  about 9 years ago

    A bunch of right wing corporations headed by greedy conservatives got the countless millions of dollars that were spent on that “study”. They then had the gall to say that government cant do anything right and that it was a waste of money.

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    neverenoughgold  about 9 years ago

    Your tax dollars at work…

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    tea62  about 9 years ago

    Do you mean $10 million or $10 gazillion?

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    Dennis Johns  about 9 years ago

    Reminds me of another cartoon where the Marketing Department is happy to announce their new 5 year plan; that only took 7 years to write….

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    K M  about 9 years ago

    Sure, it’s the day after the Super Bowl, when the hangovers haven’t fully passed yet.

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