Richard's Poor Almanac by Richard Thompson for March 01, 2016
Richard's Poor Almanac by Richard Thompson March the March comes in on lion's paws, then more sheepishly withdraws. It makes a mess, while it's here drunk on green dyed Irish beer. T.S. Eliot or Emily Dickinson 1 2 4 Power outage Branch falls on powerline 5 Power outage Tree falls on substation 6 Power outage Squirrels and transformer 11 Power outage Beavers naw down poles. 12 Power outage Push wrong button 13 Electricity appreciation day 14 Stay home n mope day 15 Bluto kills Julius Caesar day 16 17 Maudlin Garrulous alcoholic Irish stereotype day 18 Feel your own hair growing day 19 Stay home n mope day observed No mail, banks closed. 20 Spring back! Set your clock a few hours to left 21 Vernal equinox awareness day Power outage No reason just felt like it. Tuesday awareness day Ghastly disease awareness day 25 Millennial cult Expo 99! Convention center Mar. 25-28 26 Paralyzing self-consciousness awareness day 27 Did I say left? I meant right. 28 Lines conforming for new Star Wars movie premiere in May 29 30 Get a life day 31 Wool allergy awareness day April is the cruelest month, oh yes, cause I really owe the IRS. Edgar Guest
fishbulb239 about 9 years ago
Must save this until 2021 – the next time the dates match up. Fortunately, all of the holidays (particularly the power outages) will still be valid. (But which Star Wars chapter will it be? Chapter 10? Chapter 0? The Jar Jar Binks origin story?)
Sisyphos about 9 years ago
Yeah, I was about to skip over this dreary March calendar until I realized, as shown in the last panel, that April is owned, lock, stock, and barrel by the IRS. Me, too….