Tell Adelle that if she admires the plant, to place it up higher than Duncan can reach. Cats are a different matter. They can get to higher placed plants. My son’s Siamese/Tabby mixes can get into his HANGING Spider Plant!
The jade plant is also commonly called a rubber plant and is very toxic to dogs, causing gastric distress, heartbeat irregularities, and depression among other symptoms.
i think duncan needs to stay FAR AWAY from this plant…otherwise he won’t be alive much longer…
summerdog almost 4 years ago
You must not know that a pretty Jade plant can poison your Duncan if he eats it? Maybe not kill him, but make him very sick.
summerdog almost 4 years ago
Tell Adelle that if she admires the plant, to place it up higher than Duncan can reach. Cats are a different matter. They can get to higher placed plants. My son’s Siamese/Tabby mixes can get into his HANGING Spider Plant!
clynnb1224 Premium Member almost 4 years ago
The jade plant is also commonly called a rubber plant and is very toxic to dogs, causing gastric distress, heartbeat irregularities, and depression among other symptoms.
i think duncan needs to stay FAR AWAY from this plant…otherwise he won’t be alive much longer…