Sammy: Oh Man! All the roads are covered in hard packed snow!
Lola: Get your sled and some rope! I'll pull you behind my car!
Lola: something an irresponsible person might say,
Amy: better.
Lola probably speaks from experience.. when kids were allowed and expected to get hurt now and then. What memories will today’s coddled kids have? I.. remember fondly being pulled, not on a sled but the hood of an old car.
Alberta Oil Premium Member over 8 years ago
Lola probably speaks from experience.. when kids were allowed and expected to get hurt now and then. What memories will today’s coddled kids have? I.. remember fondly being pulled, not on a sled but the hood of an old car.
wildfiregal over 8 years ago
just wrap him up in bubble wrap- he’ll be fine….