Woman: I'm running late this morning. It's gridlock here. Nobody's moving.
Due to some weird gravitational force, my papillon can gain up to fifty pounds during the night.
hippogriff said, about 10 hours agoneverenoughgold It never truly was, before electronic banking, it was just used for deals between banks.
Yes, this is why it is called a “bank note” and they were “circulated” between banks…
All I can think of is the cat hairs all over the bedspread or blanket…
J Short about 9 years ago
Due to some weird gravitational force, my papillon can gain up to fifty pounds during the night.
neverenoughgold about 9 years ago
hippogriff said, about 10 hours agoneverenoughgold It never truly was, before electronic banking, it was just used for deals between banks.
Yes, this is why it is called a “bank note” and they were “circulated” between banks…
neverenoughgold about 9 years ago
All I can think of is the cat hairs all over the bedspread or blanket…