My husband and I (and most of the friends we go to movies with) are credit watchers. So we’re there when the theater clean-up crews begin their sweep. Now, I contend (tongue-in-cheek, to needle my husband) that we’re endangering their jobs, but my husband is having no part of it and INSISTS that we carry out all our trash to the bins in the lobby. I’m probably just imagining evil looks from the theater crew.
She Mc almost 9 years ago
Yuck!!! happy Tuesday everyone!
GROG Premium Member almost 9 years ago
Getting them unstuck could hurt like taking a band aid off a hairy arm.
Good morning, Crew!
instigator20 almost 9 years ago
Good Morning Crew,if only Caesar had a rescue light ! Caesar Salads for everyone !dot-dot-dot-dash-dash-dash-dot-dot-dot Have a GREAT DAY MATIE’S
capkidd almost 9 years ago
Wonder what kind of home those slobs have who throw pop and gum and food on the floor in a movie theatre…………………Nate to the rescue.
dogday Premium Member almost 9 years ago
My husband and I (and most of the friends we go to movies with) are credit watchers. So we’re there when the theater clean-up crews begin their sweep. Now, I contend (tongue-in-cheek, to needle my husband) that we’re endangering their jobs, but my husband is having no part of it and INSISTS that we carry out all our trash to the bins in the lobby. I’m probably just imagining evil looks from the theater crew.
dogday Premium Member almost 9 years ago
And THIS, Chip, is yet another example of why this strip is SO well loved!
Dry and Dusty Premium Member almost 9 years ago
Good morning Crew!
Dry and Dusty Premium Member almost 9 years ago
Where’s the CREW? Did they ABANDON SHIP?
rgcviper almost 9 years ago
All part of the fun, right?
Good Evening, Crew. (I’m still here, D&D …)
byamrcn almost 9 years ago
Theater full of vermin….Now playing: Contagion.