Andre: Ackity ackity pew pew. Andre: Ngyowwwwwwwwwkshpssxxx Andre: Kabalamkabalakablam Andre: Baloom Andre: Heh heh heh. Alice: Boy! Andre sure won that drawing fight, huh? Petey: It wasn't a drawing fight, it's math homework. Fraction make him crazy.
Linux0s almost 9 years ago
I hope his parents never buy him a chemistry set.
mabrndt Premium Member almost 9 years ago
Once again, Richard posted a blog entry for just this strip.
bigcatbusiness almost 9 years ago
He thinks Math is hard. Wait until he tries Psychics.
SharkNose almost 9 years ago
Is that Andre the Giant?
CeeJay almost 9 years ago
I did drawing fights when I was a kid (early 1950’s). I’d draw some ships and some planes. Then the battle began.I’d draw the explotions, draw the fire, and draw the rockets! It was pre-video game and pre-computer fun!
Sisyphos almost 9 years ago
It’s your metabolism, son. It makes you big, and it makes you excitable, or “hyper,” as the young’uns say….Or, KABLOOIE, as I say.