Wallace: Dad, do you ever think there's an alien space ship hiding in the clouds, watching us? Just in case.
I hope that’s not an offensive gesture in the alien culture.
Better safe than sorry!
Like father like son..
future abductees
X-Files here we come……
Could be an unregistered drone up there!
I just really love Wallace’s Dad! He is good through and through.
Guess they’ll never know.
Jordan Peele stole Nope from you.
April 15, 2016
Kristiaan about 9 years ago
I hope that’s not an offensive gesture in the alien culture.
icababy16 Premium Member about 9 years ago
Better safe than sorry!
Justin Lucas about 9 years ago
Like father like son..
Amelia Wil about 9 years ago
future abductees
MamaWen about 9 years ago
X-Files here we come……
cghwilson about 9 years ago
Could be an unregistered drone up there!
melroserad almost 9 years ago
I just really love Wallace’s Dad! He is good through and through.
Datboirocks777 over 6 years ago
Guess they’ll never know.
kittysafe about 2 years ago
Jordan Peele stole Nope from you.