One man that we worked with would cook fish-heads in the microwave, forcing hordes of people out of the cafeteria. Eventually H.R. intervened and away went the grossest smell in the world. One wonders, how on earth anyone would find that meal appealing?
I worked in a mental health facility for a while….record keeping. Anyway, our break room was a small windowless room in the middle of the facility. One of the psychologists ate canned tuna and saltines for lunch. Every. Day. After a few day, I started eating my lunch in the car.
packfadden almost 9 years ago
One man that we worked with would cook fish-heads in the microwave, forcing hordes of people out of the cafeteria. Eventually H.R. intervened and away went the grossest smell in the world. One wonders, how on earth anyone would find that meal appealing?
ron almost 9 years ago
It’s probably not as bad as the perfumes or after-shaves some people wear in public!
jeffbacon12357 almost 9 years ago
The earlier, gratuitous inclusion of zombies was worth it for this punch line.
Laynegg almost 9 years ago
I worked in a mental health facility for a while….record keeping. Anyway, our break room was a small windowless room in the middle of the facility. One of the psychologists ate canned tuna and saltines for lunch. Every. Day. After a few day, I started eating my lunch in the car.