So he never heard of Stephen’s 4 daughters, who were PROPHETS? :P :P :P
Sounds good to me.
Trying to pour new wine in an old bottle?
Fr. Guido Sarducci said, “His mother could’ve been an apostle…She only had one kid, she ha dtime on her hands.”
now if he can just get rid of the Curia……
What about the woman who washed The Lord’s feet with her tears ?
Our parish priest does the washing of feet ceremony, and usually has at least two women in the mix.
Likes it, I’m mean not enough to ACTUALLY ORDAIN a women…………….more like, likes the idea of liking it.
i_am_the_jam almost 9 years ago
So he never heard of Stephen’s 4 daughters, who were PROPHETS? :P :P :P
morningglory73 Premium Member almost 9 years ago
Sounds good to me.
patricew52 Premium Member almost 9 years ago
Zen-of-Zinfandel almost 9 years ago
Trying to pour new wine in an old bottle?
dvoyack almost 9 years ago
Fr. Guido Sarducci said, “His mother could’ve been an apostle…She only had one kid, she ha dtime on her hands.”
cindyorch almost 9 years ago
now if he can just get rid of the Curia……
Mary McNeil Premium Member almost 9 years ago
What about the woman who washed The Lord’s feet with her tears ?
ziggman14304 almost 9 years ago
Our parish priest does the washing of feet ceremony, and usually has at least two women in the mix.
rossevrymn 4 months ago
Likes it, I’m mean not enough to ACTUALLY ORDAIN a women…………….more like, likes the idea of liking it.