Good one.
Dogs like to keep things in a safe place.
I hope that safe’s on a timer, too.
Everytime I go to my safety deposit box, I fear that door closing somehow. I hope the vault is vented.
Oh, doggie doo
I would love to hear the thief explain this one in the morning!
May 29, 2015
James Lasher about 9 years ago
Good one.
Marblemouth about 9 years ago
Dogs like to keep things in a safe place.
Farside99 about 9 years ago
I hope that safe’s on a timer, too.
NeedaChuckle Premium Member about 9 years ago
Everytime I go to my safety deposit box, I fear that door closing somehow. I hope the vault is vented.
GROG Premium Member about 9 years ago
Oh, doggie doo
MontanaLady about 9 years ago
Thomas & Tifffany Connolly about 9 years ago
I would love to hear the thief explain this one in the morning!