Katy: I'm serious. We have a ghost in this house. Just this morning, the lights in my room were flickering.
Adam: Oh...um... That' my new nose hair trimmer. The battery-powered one wasn't cutting it.
According to research there is more poltergeist activity around prepubescent girls than anyone else, and since the flickering lights are in her room, well…
Steven Wright almost 9 years ago
I’m pretty sure that Adam has a weak fuse or two.
Steven Wright almost 9 years ago
According to research there is more poltergeist activity around prepubescent girls than anyone else, and since the flickering lights are in her room, well…
Enter.Name.Here almost 9 years ago
Look at the size of his nose. The trimmer must be industrial powered.
peter almost 9 years ago
Best get one that runs on diesel then.
Plods with ...™ almost 9 years ago
Marko56 almost 9 years ago
Adam uses an electric weed whacker.
neverenoughgold almost 9 years ago
Get a gas powered one…