This superhero reminds me of “Stardust The Super Wizard” by Fletcher Hanks, a comic back in the 1930’s and 1940’s. Because of his vast interplanetary knowledge, Stardust is the most remarkable man every lived.
He uses rays (just like the “Power Ray” used above) to apprehend all the bad guys. The stories are not very profound, but they are fun read to get a feel for the Golden Age of comic books.
(If this interests you, many of his comics are in the compilation “I Shall Destroy All the Civilized Planets” by Fletcher Hanks and Paul Karasik.)
Futabakun Premium Member almost 9 years ago
I have the strangest notion that tomorrow’s Super-Fun-Pak strip may be in some way linked to this one…
Malcolm Hall almost 9 years ago
I wish I had a power ray like that. I’d stop villains too!
Packratjohn Premium Member almost 9 years ago
I read the Cliff’s notes version. Much easier to follow.
Thrush almost 9 years ago
This superhero reminds me of “Stardust The Super Wizard” by Fletcher Hanks, a comic back in the 1930’s and 1940’s. Because of his vast interplanetary knowledge, Stardust is the most remarkable man every lived.
He uses rays (just like the “Power Ray” used above) to apprehend all the bad guys. The stories are not very profound, but they are fun read to get a feel for the Golden Age of comic books.
(If this interests you, many of his comics are in the compilation “I Shall Destroy All the Civilized Planets” by Fletcher Hanks and Paul Karasik.)
jpozenel almost 9 years ago
I like it!
Whoa, wait…who is this comic for again?
John Glynn creator almost 9 years ago
No New Wars about 2 years ago
I’ve only just realised. When the baddie says “Curses!”, he is not saying “Curses!”, he is saying curses.
It only took me over 40 years to work that out.
Plus a comic strip specifically for morons. That’ll include me then.