Pitos: Words you won't find in the diccionario! Man: The first duty of a man is to think for himself! Baldo: you're such a googlista! Man: Hey, the internet is the dictionary of life.
Googlista- friends or family who use google for everything.
Templo S.U.D. almost 9 years ago
¿Qué sois vosotros si usáis Wikipedia para todo?
EuroAmerican almost 9 years ago
I once told a freshman Latin class “Googliate, fratres.” They didn’t get it. Dummies. It goes with “Solvitur googliando” and “Googlio ergo sum.”
Comic Minister Premium Member almost 9 years ago
Hee hee hee!
Mema Jean almost 9 years ago
I’ve got a few of those in my family. Oh, by the way, the internet is never wrong. Snicker snicker.