La Cucaracha by Lalo Alcaraz for March 18, 2016

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    Flash Gordon  almost 9 years ago

    I call it the rethuglicon party.

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    echoraven  almost 9 years ago

    Actually Hillary has the KKK endorsement and hasn’t denounced them yet: . again she’s a Democrat so it’s ok.

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    cepa  almost 9 years ago
    How quickly people forget. The KKK was born and was part of the political power from the time of the end of the civil war until recently. During this time the Democratic party was in total control of the south. There are still a few renegade KKK’s around but they no longer have political power thanks to Republican wins the south.
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    cepa  almost 9 years ago

    Remember, the KKK is a product of the Democratic party. The KKK went down in the south as the Republican party went up.

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    agrestic  almost 9 years ago

    Trump was asked point-blank, on national television, about this, and hemmed and hawed. The same has not happened with Democratic candidates, in part because there’s no question that they would reject such endorsements outright. The fact that it’s even a question for Trump says a lot about where his campaign is at.

    As far as all those peaceful protestors “crashing” rallies, even when all they’re doing is standing there silently? I’d say they’re a call to conscience. And they’ve exposed those rallies for what they are: proto-fascist mob scenes, with attendees sucker-punching people and yelling “Kill him! Kill him!”

    Or are you simply deflecting because you realize what a horrible, horrible person and phenomenon Drumpf actually is? I don’t see any of you actually standing up to defend him.

    Oh, and cepa, please come back to us here in the 21st century. The racists have long since moved to the Republican side of the aisle, which is why Drumpf is able to be the phenomenon he is today, and why African Americans vote overwhelmingly for Democratic candidates—and why the vast majority of black Congresspeople are also Democrats.

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