MythTickle by Justin Thompson for December 31, 2007

  1. Missing large
    jana_ch  about 17 years ago

    Not bad. It has potential. The cutesy style with everyone looking like children is not something I care for, but that’s a matter of taste. At least it’s well-drawn.

    I’ve been a mythology buff for many a year (especially them Greeks!), and I would like to see a smidge more complexity, and perhaps some mythological in-jokes, but I don’t expect it. This is clearly intended as a child’s strip. Martin the Spartan had a couple of nice touches, though I wistfully wish someone would remember that “The Three Hundred” refers only to the elite Spartan citizens with full civil rights. Nobody mentions the nine hundred servants and armor-bearers who fought and died beside the Big Three-Double-Oh.

    By the way, who’s the guy who wears the tin can?

    And when are we going to see the Big J turn up?

    Jana C.H. Seattle Saith Will Cuppy: I forget exactly why Rome fell. It was probably just one of those things.

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  2. 11982
    ScooterB  over 16 years ago

    everyone’s a critic

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  3. Jellyfish
    Me_Again  over 14 years ago

    Jana, if you still don’t know, the can is Dudley.

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  4. Official state of new hampshire tartan
    Moxie  over 8 years ago

    lol took me a second read to get it. = )

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  5. Missing large
    ouifaux  over 5 years ago


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